Mrs. Baker Math


Periods 2, 3, & 7


Study for equation test on Friday, June 7th

Period 5

2-step equation/Combining like terms review (FINISH ANS CORRECT)


Period 6

Create two word problems that require you to use the pythagorean theorem to solve.  Do NOT use the words leg(s) or hypotenuse.



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Multi-Step equations with the distributive property EVENS only!

Study for equation test on Friday, June 7th

Period 5

2-step equation worksheet #s 12, 14, 16, 18

Period 6

Uses of the pythagorean theorem worksheet



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Adding and subtracting expressions #s 1-5

Study for equation test on Friday, June 7th

Period 5

8 and 10 Solve and Check

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Day 1 Multi-Step Equations #s 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 16

Study for equation test on Friday, June 7th

Period 5

Write...Whatever you do to one side of an equation you must do to the other (6 times)

Period 6

10-3 Practice Worksheet #s 5, 6, 9-12



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study for equation test on Friday, June 7th

Period 5

Combining Like Terms Worksheet #s 12, 13, 16, 18

Period 6

Read over your Pythagorean Theorem notes, outloud, 6 times



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Two Step Equation Practice PART 3 Finish and Correct (Quiz tomorrow, test Friday 6/7)

Period 5

Combining Like Terms Worksheet #4 

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Two Step Equation Practice PART 2 (Solve and Check) #s 1-16

Period 5

Studey Like Term and Coefficent Notes

Period 6

Finish and correct test review; TEST TOMORROW!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Two Step Equation Practice (Solve and Check) #s 6, 11, 19-20 Only (on google classroom)

Period 5

Write a coefficent is the number multiplied by a variable 5xs 

Period 6

Variables on both sides #s 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 only (on google classroom); TEST THURSDAY!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Two Step Equation Practice (Solve and Check) #s 1-4 Only (on google classroom)

Period 5

Write the definition of Like Terms 5xs (on google classroom)

Period 6

Variables on both sides #2 only (on google classroom)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Read over equation notes at least four times

Period 5

Look over integer rules

Period 6

2 examples from the board on goole classroom dealing with equations involving the fraction bar



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Distibutive Property and Combining Like Terms Worksheet

Period 5

Integer Practice Worksheet

Period 6

Equation Practice Worksheet


5/20/18 and 5/21/19

All periods:

Optional Extra credit graphs due by next Wednesday 5/22

          * 5 points on any quiz or test for 1 graph

          * 8 points on any quiz or test for 2 graphs

The graphs must be FINISHED & COLORED!



All periods:

Optional Extra credit graphs due by next Wednesday 5/22

          * 5 points on any quiz or test for 1 graph

          * 8 points on any quiz or test for 2 graphs

The graphs must be FINISHED & COLORED!


We took a break from written homework to do SBAC practice

In many cases students just had to watch videos on google classroom and take notes.



All Periods

Take Home Quiz Due by Wednesday, every day late is -10 points



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Rewatch Basic Probability Video 4/11/19

Period 5

Page 141-142 #s 9, 11, 21

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 358 #s 4-7

Page 359 #s 9-10

Page 364 #s 4, 5

Page 365 # 7

Period 5

Page 139 Try its/Page 140 #5 SHOW WORK

Period 6

Owl Worksheet



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and CORRECT review, study quiz tomorrow

Period 5

Page 119 #8 (a, b, c)

Period 6

Expanded Expression worksheet



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish the 3-Act Math that we started in class (What is the least cost for all three items once the coupons are applied)

Period 5

Finish #4 on the graphs of a proportional relationahip paper

Period 6

Finish the three combining like terms questions



Periods 2, 3, & 7

% Change Worksheet Explained

Period 5

Pages 106-108 #s 3, 6-8, 11-13, 16

Period 6

Study your Properties



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 160-162 #S 4-5, 10-11, 19

Period 5

Write the following 8xs each:

Finding the constant of proportionality


Equation of a proportional relationship


Period 6

Chapter 4 Readiness assessment



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up work, due tomorrow or it stays a zero!

Period 5


Period 6

Make-Up work, due tomorrow or it stays a zero!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Review, study quiz tomorrow

Period 5

Pages 101-102 #s 10-12, 14, 15

Period 6

Finish and Correct Review, study quiz tomorrow



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Small textbook Page 33 #s 3,6,7; page 34 #9; Page 37 #s 3, 7

Period 5

Small workbook Page 25 #s 1-3, Page 26 #6

Period 6

Quiz Wednesday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Tax, Tip Discount etc...Worksheet

Period 5

Pages 100-101 #s 4, 5, 8

Period 6

Are they correct revisted?

Quiz next Wednesday



Periods 2, 3, & 7


Period 5

Write: Two quantities are in a proportional relationship if all the ratios are equal (6 times)

Period 6

There are 24 people in your class.  If I choose two sticks randomly from the cup, what is the probability that you and your friend will be chosen first



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 140-142 #s 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 21

Period 5

Quiz Question word problems with cross products

Period 6

Copy Compound Probability Notes from google classroom 



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Linflower Performance Task Due Wednesday

Page 139 Try its and Page 140 #5

Period 5

Cross products word problems

Period 6

Pages 364-366 #s 1, 4-6, 8-11, 13



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Linflower Performance Task Due Wednesday

Period 5

Bring notes, large book, and notebook to class tomorrow.

Period 6

Finish are you correct paper



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Period 5

Cross Products Worksheet

Period 6

Ice Cream Performance Task



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Review

Test tomorrow!

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Cross products worksheet

Period 5

Finish and correct your review

Study Quiz Monday

Period 6

Finish and correct revie for Monday, Test Tuesday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 124-125 #s 4-7, 10

Period 5

Study Quiz Monday

Period 6

make-up work



See google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up work...Check PowerSchool

Test Next Tuesday

Period 5

Pages 94-95 #s 4-6, 11-12

Period 6

Copy Notes from google classroom

Pages 176-178 #s 4-6, 9-12, 14, 17

Quiz 3-4 to 3-6 Thursday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and correct review

Quiz Tomorrow 2-3 to 2-5

Test  Friday

Period 5

Pages 88-90 #s 4, 10, 12, 17

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 118-120 #s 1, 2, 4-7, 9-12

Quiz Tuesday 2-3 to 2-5

Test Next Friday

Period 5

Page 89 # 9

Page 90 #s 13-14

Period 6

3-5 Additional Practice (Pages 41 and 42, small workbook), #s 4-5, 7-8, 12



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Graphs Paper #s 3, 4, 5, & 7 (Selected graph)

Quiz Tuesday 2-3 to 2-5

Test Next Friday

Period 5

Complete Noozer Family activity with the exception of 3 to complete tomorrow

Period 6

Pages 170-172 #s 4-6, 9-12, 15



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish copying notes from google classroom

Page 119 #8

Period 5

Write 5 times

To change a rate to a unit rate divide the numerator and denominator by the number in the denominator

Period 6

Read pages 168-170 through the key concept



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 106-108 #s 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14

Period 5

Explain it on page 85 Textbook

Period 6

Pages 160-162 #s 4-6, 9-11, 13, 15



Snow Day



Periods 2, 3, & 7


Period 5

Your Turn on Page 279 of the composite figures packet #2 ONLY

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

2-3 Additional Practice Worksheet

Period 5


Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 100-102 #s 6, 10-12

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Period 6

Correct 3-3 Additional Practice (Small Workbook) #s 1-11 on google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 100-101 #s 2, 4-5, 8-9

Period 5

Finish and Correct 2-D test Review Due Wednesday

2-D Test Wednesday

Period 6

3-3 Additional Practice (Small Workbook) #s 1-11



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 98 Try It/Convince Me

Period 5

Finish and Correct 2-D test Review Due Wednesday

2-D Test Due Wednesday

Period 6

Page 152-154 #s 5-6, 9-19



Period 2 


Periods 3 & 7

2-2 Additional Practice (Pages 23 and 24, little workbook), Skip #s 2 and 11

Period 5

Finish Circumference Practice Worksheet, Finish #s 5-10, show all 3 steps

Period 6

Page 140 #s 3, 5






Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 94-96 #s 2, 4-6, 11-14

Period 5

Circumference practice worksheet #s 1-4

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 88-90 #s 2, 4-6, 8-14

Period 5


Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Complete the 2 unit rate worksheets found on google classroom and read pages 86-87 and the key concept on page 88 in your textbook

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Period 6

Finish and Correct Review




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Bring books and notes with you to class tomorrow

Period 5

Finish Mixed Area Worksheet Review, finish then correct on google classroom

Period 6

Pages 124-126 #s 4, 5-7, 9-11, 13 




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Period 5

Finish Mixed Area Worksheet PART 2 #s 11-20

Period 6

Finish Solving Proportions Word Problems (Notes Page) and Homework Solving Proportions Worksheet




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and correct the review TEST TOMORROW

Period 5

Finish Mixed Area Worksheet

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 281-282 #s 5-10, 13-14 Circle Packet (They were given class time to start this)

Period 5

Mixed Area Worksheet #s 1, 3, 4

Period 6

Pages 118-120 #s 4-12 (Textbook)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 280 Circle Packet Guided Practice #s 1-4

Period 5

Trapezoid Worksheet #s 7-14

Period 6

Page 118 #s 1, 2 (Textbook)



Snow Day



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and correct review Quiz TOMORROW

Period 5

Study area formulas

Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study quiz on circles Tuesday

Period 5

Triangle worksheet #s 5-10

Period 6

Finish and correct review Quiz Monday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Check google classroom

Period 5

Triangles worksheet #s 2-4

Period 6

Check google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish area and circumference worksheet, quiz on circles next Tuesday

Period 5

Come with your triangles/work from class today

Period 6

Pages 106-107 #s 5-8



Educator pages was down...check google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study all of your formulas

Period 5

Parallelogram Worksheet #s 4-8 (AREA AND PERIMETER...Show All Work!)

Period 6

Try it and Convince me on Pg 98



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study the assignment below...

In the Circle/Area packet please complete the following questions:
Pages 269-270 #s 16-19, 21, 23-25
SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK & Read each question carefully!

Period 5


Period 6

Make corrections the the assignment below based on class discussion.

Read Pages 92-93 and pay close attention to the examples. Then on pages 94-96 complete questions 2, 4-6, 11-14



Periods 2, 3, & 7

In the Circle/Area packet please complete the following questions:
Pages 269-270 #s 16-19, 21, 23-25
SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK & Read each question carefully!

Period 5

Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles Scavenger Hunt Activity

Period 6

Read Pages 92-93 and pay close attention to the examples. Then on pages 94-96 complete questions 2, 4-6, 11-14



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Circumference worksheet on google classroom

Period 5

Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles #s 7-10 (SHOW ALL WORK)

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Circle/Area Packet Page 268 #s 1, 3-5, 10 and Page 269 @s 11-13, 15 (Use the Pi key on your calculator)

Period 5

Corrections of Calculator quiz due end of tronado block Tuesday

Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles #s 1-6 (SHOW ALL WORK)

Finish Notecard (Area and Perimeter)

Period 6

Page 88-90 #s 2, 3-6, 8-14



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Triangles, Trapezoids, Parallelograms and Area Worksheet

Period 5

Study Calculator Notes

Quiz Wednesday or Thursday of Next Week

Period 6

Test Review Finish and Corrected by Wednesday!

Geometry Test Wednesday of Next Week



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Need your trapezoids for class tomorrow

Find the area of one of your trapezoids

Period 5

Make-Up Work due Friday or it stays a zero!

Study Calculator Notes

Period 6

Cross Sections Worksheet

Geometry Test Monday or Tuesday of Next Week



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Area and Perimeter Practice

Period 5

Make-Up Work due Friday or it stays a zero!

Period 6

Candy Box Problem Due by end of tornado block tomorrow (working on in ghroups in class)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up work Due Wednesday or it stays a zero

Bring Exploration Papers on Thursday

Period 5

Make-Up Work due Friday or it stays a zero!

Period 6

Candy Box Problem Due Thursday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles Worksheet

Make-Up work Due Wednesday or it stays a zero

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Period 5

Finish and Correct Review

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Next TOMORROW, study for Test

Period 6

Volume of Compound Shapes Shape #1 Only



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Cat food Problem DUE MONDAY

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Period 5

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Next Tuesday, study for Test

Period 6

Finish volume notes from google classroom

Volume worksheet #s 10, 14, 16, 18



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study calculator notes

Caluclator Quiz tomorrow

Cat food Problem DUE MONDAY

Period 5

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Next Tuesday

Period 6

Cat food Problem

(Make sure this is done) Surface Area of a cylinder Worksheet #s 3, 4, 8



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study calculator notes

Period 5

Finish and color coordinate graph due Tuesday (OPTIONAL...worth 5 points on a quiz or test)

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Next Tuesday

Period 6

Surface Area of a cylinder Worksheet #s 3, 4, 8



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study calculator notes

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Next Tuesday

Period 6

Surface Area Worksheet #s 6, 7, 9-11



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Study calculator notes

Period 5

Finish and Correct review

Study quiz tomorrow

Period 6

Classifying solids HW worksheet #s 1-3, 4-6, & read example 2



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Period 5

Fraction and Decimals Mixed #s 5-8 any method

Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and correct review.  

Multiplying and Dividing Test TOMORROW!

Period 5

Fraction and Decimals Mixed #s 1-4 any method

Period 6

Finish and correct review.  Geometry Quiz tomorrow!

You may write the formulas that I posted on google classroom onto a notecard and use it in exchange for 5 points on your quiz.

Extra Help Tornado Block Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Extra Help Tornado Block Tomorrow

Review Multiplying and Dividing Thursday

Multiplying and Dividing Test FRIDAY

Period 5


Period 6

Study for a geometry quiz on Friday.

Extra Help Tornado Block Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Section 1-10 Worksheet

Review Multiplying and Dividing Thursday

Multiplying and Dividing Test FRIDAY

Period 5

Dividing Fractions Practice on Google Classroom

Period 6

Page 276 #s 21-23, 25 and Pages 281-282 #s 8, 14 (both from the circle packet).  

Study for a geometry quiz on Friday.



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Section 1-10 Tuesday and Wednesday, then Review Multiplying and Dividing Thursday ; then Multiplying and Dividing Test FRIDAY

Period 5

Dividing Fractions Worksheet

Period 6

Page 275 Skip #18 (Circle/Area Packet...9.2 Independent Practice)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and CORRECT Dividing Rational Numbers review (both parts)

Quiz Monday 

Section 1-10 after that, then Review Multiplying and Dividing; then Multiplying and Dividing Test

Period 5


Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Dividing Fractions and Decimals Mixed worksheet

Quiz Monday or Tuesday

Section 1-10 after that, then Review Multiplying and Dividing; then Multiplying and Dividing Test

Period 5

Dividing Decimals Worksheet (BOTH SIDES)

Period 6

Page 270 in circle/area packet skip # 22



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Dividing Fractions Worksheet FINISH

Period 5

Pages 48-50 #s 6b, 15, 19

Period 6

Page 269 in circle/area packet skip # 14



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Dividing Fractions Worksheet #s 1, 2

Period 5

Page 47 Try its all

Page 48 # 6c

Page 49 #s 11, 13

Period 6

Read Pages 266 and 267 in the packet



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Dividing Decimals Worksheet

Period 5

Finish -1.6(-1/20) and -4.2(9 1/4) on the fraction and decimals mixed chart from class today

Period 6





Periods 2, 3, & 7

Complete Mean, Median, Mode, and Range work from class today.  You may use a calculator, but you must show all the numbers you put into the calculator to get full credit. (Choose any 12)

Period 5


Period 6

Finish Composite Figures Work from the Packet (Pages 280-282)




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Complete Mean, Median, Mode, and Range work from class today.  You may use a calculator, but you must show all the numbers you put into the calculator to get full credit. (Choose any 12)

Period 5

Make-Up work (Check powerschool for missing work)

Period 6

Finish Composite Figures Work from the Packet (Pages 280-282)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Bring notes on mean, median, mode, and range to class tomorrow

Period 5

Finish and Correct Multiplying rational numbers review

Quiz tomorrow!

Period 6

Bring Packet to class tomorrow






Periods 2, 3, & 7

Copy the notes from google classroom
Pages 54-56 #s 1, 4-6, 10-11, 13, 17

Period 5

Finish Index Card Activity

Study for Multiplying Rational Numbers Quiz Tuesday!

Period 6

Make corrections to the trapezoid, triangle, parallelogram HW



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up work...All students were given a sheet of what they owed

Period 5

Study for Multiplying Rational Numbers Quiz Tuesday!

Period 6

Area of Parallelograms, Triangles, and Trapezoids (On google classroom)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Review

Study Quiz Tomorrow

Period 5

Multiplying Pos/Neg Fractions worksheet

Period 6

Area of Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms, and Triangles (On google classroom)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 47 Try its

Pages 48-49 #s 5-6, 11, 13, 15

Period 5


Period 6

Finish Duckling Activity on Google Classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Multiplying Fractions and Decimals Mixed chart from class

Period 5


Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Multiplying Fractions with Positive and Negative #s Practice Worksheet, found on Google Classroom

Period 5

Multiplying Positive and Negative Decimals Worksheet

Period 6

Study Calculator Notes



Boston Field Trip



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Multiplying Fractions with Positive and Negative #s 2, 5, & 6

Period 5

Pearson Realize XL 1-6 (Must get a 90 or higher

Period 6

Study Calculator Notes



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Multiplying Fractions with Positive and Negative #s 1, 3, 4

Period 5

Pages 42-44 #s 5-9, 13-15, 18, 20, 23

Period 6

Study Calculator Notes



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Dividing Decimals with Pos/Neg 

Period 5


Period 6

Study Calculator Notes



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 42-44 #s 5-9, 13-15, 18, 20, 23

Period 5

Make-Up work, due TOMORROW or it stays a zero!

Period 6

Make-Up work, due TOMORROW or it stays a zero!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 42-44 #s 5-9, 13-15, 18, 20, 23 DUE WEDNESDAY

We will work on this in class tomorrow!

Period 5

Add and Subtract Rational Number Test Tuesday

Test Review, finish and correct.  Due Tuesday.  The starred questions are mandatory the other questions are optional.

Period 6

Make-Up work, due Wednesday or it stays a zero!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Additional Questions to Raise grade on the Add and Subtract Rational Numbers Test (Due MONDAY!!!)

Period 5

Add and Subtract Rational Number Test Tuesday

Test Review, finish and correct.  Due Tuesday.  The starred questions are mandatory the other questions are optional.

Period 6

Finish and correct Jeopardy

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Monday!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-up Work...All work must be in by Friday or it remains a zero!

Performance Task Due Friday

Additional Questions to Raise grade on the Add and Subtract Rational Numbers Test (Due MONDAY!!!)

Period 5

Add and Subtract Rational Number Test Tuesday

Page 33 Try its Top

Page 35 # 11

Period 6

Pages 66-68 #s 5-6, 8-10, 13

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers Test Monday!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-up Work...All work must be in by Friday or it remains a zero!

Performance Task Due Friday

Period 5

Pages 34-36 #s 6-8, 15, 17

Period 6

Pages 60-62 #s 4-5, 8-9, 13-15, 17

Test Moved to Monday!



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-up Work...All work must be in by Friday or it remains a zero!

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Period 6

Dividing Decimals Homework



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Test Review DUE TUESDAY, Students had all of class Friday and today to work on this assignment, extra fraction and decimal practice was also posted if needed.

Test on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers Tomorrow

Period 5

Fraction & Decimal Review Finish and correct 

Quiz tomorrow

Period 6

Dividing Fractions HW



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Test Review DUE TUESDAY, Students had all of class today and will have all of class on Monday to work on this assignment

Test on Adding and Subtracting Numbers Next Tuesday

Extra Help Tornado Block Monday

Period 5

Fraction Practice Worksheet

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work

Test on Adding and Subtracting Numbers Next Tuesday

Period 5

Fraction worksheet E-J

Period 6

Pages 54-56 #s 4-6, 9-10, 13-15, 17, 19



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct Review

Quiz Tomorrow on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

Test on Adding and Subtracting Numbers Next Tuesday

Period 5

Fraction worksheet A-D

Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Try its Page 33 (Top half)

Pages 34-36 #s 3-5, 11, 13, 14, 17

Review Wednesday

Quiz Thursday on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

Test on Adding and Subtracting Numbers Next Tuesday

Period 5


Period 6

Finish and Correct review on google classroom

Quiz TOMORROW Multiplying Rational Numbers



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish adding and subtracting fractions practice worksheet (14 Questions, began in class)

Period 5

Finish add and subtract decimals worksheet (Begun in class)

Period 6

Pages 49-50 #s 8-15, 19-20

Quiz Wednesday Multiplying Rational Numbers



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish adding and subtracting fractions with positive and negatives homework

Period 5

Make-Up work (Complete any missing HWW from the beginning of the year until now)

Period 6

Finish Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Positives and Negatives HW



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Notes

Period 5

Finish Jeopardy


Period 6

Multiplying Decimals Worksheet

Performance Task Due Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Positive and Negative Decimals Worksheet

Period 5

Add and Subtract variable/Add and Subtract more than 2 numbers Part 2 worksheet (FRONT ALL, BACK EVENS)


Period 6

Pages 42-44 #s 4, 6-8, 11-14, 15, 18, 20

Performance Task Due Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Pre-test on google classroom

Period 5

Add and Subtract more than 2 numbers #s 29-35

Quiz Thursday

Period 6

Make-Up work, DUE WEDNESDAY or it stays a ZERO (all students were given a sheet of what they owe)

Performance Task Due Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up work (all students were given a sheet of what they owe)

Period 5

Add and Subtract more than 2 numbers #s 11-16

Quiz next Thursday

Make-Up work (all students were given a sheet of what they owe)

Period 6

Make-Up work, DUE WEDNESDAY or it stays a ZERO (all students were given a sheet of what they owe)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish jeopardy

Quiz tomorrow

Period 5


Period 6

Finish and Correct review, test Friday on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers, I will be in for extra help at 7:20 AM Friday



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Adding and Subtracting with Variables on google classroom

Period 5

Integer Word Problems (Part 2)

Period 6

Finish and Correct review for Friday, Test Friday on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Adding and Subtracting with more than 2#s worksheet #s 11-16, 33-40

Period 5

Integer Word Problems

Period 6

Mak-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Adding and Subtracting with more than 2#s worksheet #s 1 and 2

Period 5

Finish Mixed adding and Subtracting Practice Mixed Worksheet #s 9-24 (Show all work, use the flow chart given to you in class)

Period 6

Finish and correct review on google classroom

Quiz Tomorrow, Study! Extra help during tornado block tomorrow



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish Word Problem Worksheet

Period 5

Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheet (Both sides, show work)

Period 6

Quiz Tuesday Study



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make a pamphlet to show younger children what we have learned so far. Be sure to include absolute value, opposites, definition of an integer, rational and irrational numbers, adding integers, subtracting integers. Be sure to include rules, definitions, and examples. Make your pamphlet colorful and easy to read.

Period 5

Mixed Adding and Subtracting Integers Practice #s 1-8 Show work

Period 6

Read and take a few notes on pages 32-34 of your book, complete the try its. Then work on 1, 3, 4-6, 9-15,17. If you have a fraction and a decimal together in the same problem be sure to convert fractions to decimals or vice versa.



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Mixed Adding and Subtracting Integers Practice EVENS

Period 5

Subtracting Integers HW #s  ALL ODDS

Period 6

Add and Subtract Fractions Evens

Finish Notes



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Adding and Subtracting Integers Practice (11 question worksheet)

Period 5

Subtracting Integers HW #s 8-20 EVENS

Period 6




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 28-30 #s 4-6. 8, 11, 14

Period 5

Pages 22-24 #s 4-6. 10-14, 16

Period 6

Make-Up Work



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Subtracting Integers Homework Sheet #s 8-28 EVENS

[The classwork paper did NOT need to be completed for HW as well]

Period 5

Make-Up Work

Period 6

Finish and correct review on google classroom

Quiz Monday

I will be in at 7:20 AM for extra help for period 6.  You must let me know if you are coming via e-mail or google classroom by 5 AM Monday.



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Make-Up Work (Complete anything with a zero on PowerSchool)

Period 5

Finish and CORRECT review on google classroom


Period 6

Finish Integer Word Problems



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Finish and Correct review on google classroom


Period 5

Worksheet 2.2 Practice B #s 11-13, 19-21

Review Thursday 

Quiz Friday

Period 6

Add and Subtracting with variable worksheet (On google classroom)



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 22-24 #s 4-6, 10-13, 16

Review Wednesday 

Quiz Thursday

Period 5

Worksheet 2.2 Practice B #s 5-8 and 14, 17

Review Thursday 

Quiz Friday

Period 6

Adding and Subtracting Integers Practice #s 2-10 EVENS ONLY...on google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Worksheet 2.2 Practice B #s 11-13, 19-21

Period 5

Make sure Thursday night's assignment is complete

Period 6

Subtracting Integers Practice #s 6-26 EVENS ONLY...on google classroom



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Worksheet 2.2 Practice B #s 5-8 and 14-17

Period 5

Make sure last night's assignment is complete

Period 6

Make-Up Work (Check PowerSchool)



Periods 2 and 3


Periods 5 & 7

What is the rule for adding two numbers with the

a) Same signs

b) Different signs 

Period 6

Finish and Correct Review on Google classroom

Quiz Friday (Opposites, Absolute Value, Adding Integers)



Periods 2 and 3

What is the rule for adding two numbers with the

a) Same signs

b) Different signs 

Periods 5 & 7


Period 6

Pages 22-24 #s 4-6, 9-16

Review Tomorrow

Quiz Friday (Opposites, Absolute Value, Adding Integers)



Periods 2, 3, 5, & 7


Period 6

Worksheet 2-2 Practice B #s 6-9, 14-19



Periods 2, 3, 5, & 7

Pages 16-18 #s 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17

Period 6

Add using the number line AND chip method for each of the following problems:

1) -8+3

2) -5+6



Periods 2, 3, & 7


Period 5 


Period 6




All periods:

Circus Activity



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Sign into google classroom.  Code: zywjch

Period 5 

Sign into google classroom.  Code: 9rspxu

Period 6

Pages 17-18 #s 8, 12-13, 16-17, 20

Sign into google classroom.  Code: gxqbe7w




Periods 2, 3, & 7

Sign into google classroom.  Code: zywjch

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 5 

Sign into google classroom.  Code: 9rspxu

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 6

Page 16 #s 3, 4 a and b

Sign into google classroom.  Code: gxqbe7w

Letter signed by 9/5/18



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Pages 10-12 #s 2, 4-9, 12, 15

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 5 

Pages 10-12 #s 1-2, 4-9, 12, 15

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 6

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18



Periods 2, 3, & 7

Page 10 # 1

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 5 

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18

Period 6

Pgs 10-12 #s 1-2, 4-10, 14

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18



All Periods:

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Letter signed by 9/5/18



All Periods:

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Get a composition book and one subject notebook by Wednesday

Letter signed by 9/5/18



All Periods:

Complete summer math packet by 9/4/18

Get a composition book and one subject notebook by Wednesday

Introduction Sheet